Complaints and objections

Complaints and objections

The neighbourhood team employees do their best every day to help you as best as possible. If you are satisfied with something, we would like to hear about it. But it can happen that things happen that you experience as incorrect or unjust. In that case, we would also like to talk to you to see if we can find a solution together.

Not satisfied? Let us know!

We believe it is important to continue to improve the services of the neighbourhood teams and to learn from what is not going well. If you are not satisfied, you can report this to us by means of a signal, complaint or objection. This can be done in various ways. Below you can read the various options.

icon for filing complaints and objections

Difference between a complaint and an objection

A complaint always relates to how you were treated. It can be about how you were treated and whether you were treated respectfully. Your complaint can also be about the accessibility of the neighbourhood team or the way in which you were offered support.

An objection is always directed against a decision. You may or may not have received a certain decision and disagree with it. You can object to this. You submit the objection to the municipality of Utrecht. An objection can always be submitted against decisions within six weeks.

Complaint or objection Submit at Lokalis

If you have children or are under eighteen years of age, you are a customer of LocaliseYou can then email the complaint or objection to complaintsjeugdengezin@lokalis.nlThe Youth and Family neighborhood teams are affiliated with the independent Youth Complaints Committee Midden Nederland (KJMN). You can find the complaints procedure here .

If you find it difficult to file a complaint and would like help with this, you can contact the confidential counselors of Youth voiceThey are separate from the neighborhood teams and are happy to help you. Look at the website or call 088 555 10 00.

Submit a complaint or objection to the Neighborhood Team Organization Social Utrecht

If you are an adult and have no children living at home, you are a customer of Neighborhood team organization Social UtrechtYou can file your complaint via this formYou can also send a letter with your complaint to:
Neighborhood team organization Social Utrecht
Beneluxlaan 2
3527 HT Utrecht

You will then be invited for an interview. If you cannot resolve the matter together, you can contact QuasirQuasir is an independent expertise centre for complaints in the healthcare and welfare sector.

Assistance with filing a complaint or objection

Do you need help with filing a complaint, objection or complaint handling? Then you can contact us independent client support right at U Centraal. More information about this can be found at

You can also go here

There are several organizations that can help you file a complaint or objection:

logo of Quasir independent expertise center in healthcare


Independent expertise centre for complaints in the healthcare and welfare sector.

visit website

SKJ Professional supervision

Professional register for youth professionals in the Netherlands.

visit website

Youth voice

Organization of confidential counselors in youth care.

visit website

Gemeente Utrecht

This website contains a lot of useful information that can help residents of the municipality of Utrecht.

visit website