Staying at home

You are getting older and are still happy at home. You would like to continue living independently in your home for as long as possible. At the same time, you notice that a number of things are becoming more difficult. What was easy when you were younger may not be as easy now.

Then look for support. You can think of help with your household or administration. Maybe you need care at home, your home needs to be adapted or an alarm button is useful for you. The neighbourhood team in your district will be happy to help you. Call, email or come by.       

Assistance with independent living

The neighbourhood team will be happy to help you continue living at home, if possible. Together with you, we will find out what is needed for this. We will look at who can help you with this, for example family, friends, neighbours or other people in your environment. You can arrange district nursing yourself via your GP. We can also help you with this. We can also try to get help for you via the municipality under the Social Support Act (Wmo). If you need a lot of care, we will see if we can arrange help for you via the Long-term Care Act (Wlz). And if you really can no longer live at home, we will look for a new place together with you. Take contact on with the neighborhood team.

Frequently Asked Questions

The community nursing service can help you if you need care at home, such as support with getting up, showering or going to bed. Or, for example, if you need help taking your medication or putting on support stockings. You can arrange this help in two ways: via your GP or by contacting an organisation that offers community nursing yourself.

  • Personal care, such as help getting up and showering, is reimbursed from the basic package of your health insurance. The district nurse carries out this care. 
  • Nursing care, such as blood tests, blood pressure measurements and inserting IVs, is paid for by the Health Insurance Act. The district nurse carries out this care. 
  • Pay close attention to whether your health insurer has a contract with the district nursing organization you want to choose. Then you know for sure that the care will be paid for by your health insurer.    
  • The district nurse can also help you arrange reimbursements. 

You can request the following support:

  • Help with your household
  • Adjustments to your home, such as a stair lift or wider doors
  • Assistance with transport, such as a wheelchair, mobility scooter or regional taxi pass
  • Daily activities
  • Home care
  • And so on

For all options, please visit the website of municipality of Utrecht. Sometimes you have to pay a (small) amount yourself.     

You can also go here!

Gemeente Utrecht

Information about living independently in Utrecht.

visit website

You Central

For residents of Utrecht who could use support.

visit website

Moving Advisor Seniors

Helps elderly people in the city of Utrecht who are looking for suitable housing in the future.

visit website

Better Old

To enable the elderly to live their lives as independently and meaningfully as possible.

visit website


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